Friday, November 18, 2011

Seek Conference 2011 Notes

Forgive my random notes from Seek Design Conference, but there are some good tidbits in here.

Strategy takes away much of the subjectivity of design.

Logos are symbols of what lie beneath. 

Common vocabulary does not always mean the same thing.

There were 22 interviews of what the word "brand" meant and 22 definitions. 

Brand is about belonging to a certain tribe. emotional experience with the consumer.

Great brands are on a mission. They know where they're going.

Brands are literally stories.

Henry Ford on market research at the turn of the 20th century... "if i asked people what better transportation would be, they would say a faster horse." They wouldn't know what they want.

We should go into situations, communities and start looking for problems.

Brands can help us feel more connected. Not happier. But they can make us feel better about ourselves.

Designers can design the future. They should start their own brands and own businesses and change the world.

Authenticity is everything.

Some will like it.
Some will not.
And that's the way it goes.

"You must do the thing you think you cannot do." Eleanor Roosevelt

The image/images tell the story. Let the reader read through the images.

Insights - take the guesswork out of what you do. 

Who is the the audience?
What are users doing at the site?
What are the expectations of the user?
How do those expectations vary by segment?
what are their perceptions of the brand/product
How do those perceptions align with the sites tone

Consider a journal like approach with people. Follow them for a day to see how they interact with content.

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