Friday, October 22, 2010

Counter Culture

So we've been studying the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) this fall in the college group at Grace. (What you're seeing on the left is the postcard for the series) Anyway, it's a section of scripture that I've read before but for some reason it's been especially challenging this year. As in, taking a baseball bat to the beak (my nose) and waking me up to truth. I'm realizing it's less and less about what I do and have control over. Take for example the first Beatitude in verse 3:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
 for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." 

I've always understood that as becoming a more humble and broken person (whatever that means)... essentially doing more to become less. That doesn't even make sense as I write it. God desires for us to just trust. The example the poor have set is that they have seemingly nothing to offer except for their heart---and that's exactly what Jesus is after in this passage. In fact, doing less becomes more in the Kingdom of God (the meek, the poor in spirit, the merciful, the peacemakers). Those are all heart conditions. I learned this firsthand about a month ago from a friend.... which I'll write about when I have more time. (next week??)

I have so much more to share about after going to Story Conference back in September.  About what art really is and taking chances. While I'm at it though, check out my friend Sam Preston's design/photo blog. She's a rockstar in the purest form.

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